Does your garage door opener "complain" when you put it to work? Does it "talk back" to you in a garbled mess of high pitched whines, low grumbles, and exasperated groans?
It may be time to replace that misbehaved bellyacher with an Odyssey 1000, one of the best door openers on the market for its smooth operation and safety features. Not only will you get a reliable door opener that obediently (and quietly) does its job, you'll also have the ability to pair it with an OHD Anywhere Kit, which allows you to monitor and control your garage door from your Apple or Android smart phone. After all, if your garage door is going to say anything to you, it should at least be informative and helpful.
"Garage door technology has come a long way in the last few years," said Chadd Goosmann, owner of Overhead Door of Sioux City. "All of us at Overhead Door love how well the Odyssey 1000 and the OHD Anywhere Kit get along."
You may be able to live with a noisy garage door, but after upgrading to an Odyssey 1000 and seeing all you can do with OHD Anywhere, you'll wonder why you waited so long, especially because the set-up process is so easy.
Ready for a new garage door opener? Order in the month of March and receive $25 off an Odyssey 1000 door opener when you pair it with OHD Anywhere.