A garage door doesn't have to just go on your garage. Seriously. Don't get us wrong, we love them on garages, but they can look pretty fabulous on other parts of your home. Proof? Check out some of the examples below on how people are thinking outside of the box when it comes garage doors and their uses.
1) Kitchen and Dinning
Bring in light and brightness to your kitchen with full view glass garage doors. Whether you're cooking for family or friends, garage doors like this can act as an entrance or like a window. It's simply another way to make your kitchen or dinning more inviting!
2) Living Room
Even in your living you can try full view glass garage doors. Experiment with different frame colors, whatever would compliment your living room the best. Notice the height of the garage doors in this picture. If you have tall ceilings in your home, these doors might be a good route to go. If you don't have tall ceilings in your home, don't worry, full view glass garage doors can be customize to whatever size you want.
3) Studio and Office
Have an office or study space in your home that could be jazzed up a little bit? Full view glass garage doors can give this kind of space a more industrial feel or modern twist. Plus, while you're hard at work on projects, a little light and brightness in this space might help the creative juices flow a little better.
Thinking outside of the box when it comes to garage doors can be fun and completely change the look of your home in a good way! These kind of projects don't have to be hard. Overhead Door Company of Sioux City and Yankton can make it easy. Contact us for any questions or browse our garage doors to find something you like!